Nichts geht mehr

Genre: Feature film / Trailer
Year: 2006/2007
Runtime: 01:38 min
Description: Finally, the day has arrived when Konstantin is moving out of his parents′ house. Thus, a new life begins for the young man. His older brother August, whom he has always admired, has already set up plans how this new life might look like: He persuades Konstantin to take part in a fun "guerilla action": The brothers blacken out all the important traffic lights in Bochum to cause a traffic chaos. But what started out as fun soon becomes serious when the police start to frantically search for the "Terrorgruppe AKB".
Provider: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Rights: In Copyright / Alpha Medienkontor
Director: Florian Mischa Böder
Document type:
Language: de